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Science:Humane Comfort & Sufferings

Cause of human comforts:

It is irrefutable fact that all human progress today is because of science.Science has brought a great change and revolution in all the fields of our life.The impossibilities have been achieved through science.Now a days incredible miracles are happening every day.Science has endowed and exalted courage, power and self confidence to man.It is just because of science that now man is the master of all around him.Science is a friend of man and it has served meritoriously and giving too much in the service of humanity.According to the statement of Emerson who says'' science surpasses the old miracles of mythology ''

Science has reduced and shortened distances.If we go in past, journey and travel took much time to cover short distance and there were a lot of hurdles and obstacles in the journey .People used to departed from their relatives and friends with sad heart.Now the entire time and scenario has changed and those days are gone for ever.We can cover long  and difficult travels in just a few hours due to new scientific inventions in the field of communication.The fast moving train,bullet train,air conveyance and aeroplane are there to help us.Telephone,telegraph and wireless ,internet. DSL net cable,dish flash the news across the glob with in the twinkling of an eyes sitting beside your radio,tv,dish,cable ,you can enjoy a match ,being played thousand of miles away.On television you cannot only hear the speaker but also see physically his pictures too.Wireless has brought the countries closer.The world is like a global village or a company .The bounds of friendship and ties of love between the people of different countries have been closer and has brought man closer to man and this is a good and positive service which directly goes into the favor of human kind.

In the past,life was a very difficult and drudgery.There were neither facilities nor  amusements.The people have no engagement except worked ,ate and slept.The situation of common people and general condition of life were rough and tough .Now the radio ,TV,dish,cable net work and internet amuses us round the clock ,and in the same way the cinema also entertain us .There is no doubt that electricity is our maid servant because she does every difficult and impossible job for us,for instances,she moves the fans when required,heats the rooms as we desire,illuminates the cities,presses the clothes,work the machines and even cooks our foods.In addition to this there are many calculating machines ,Computers presents lesson to our burden in various fields of our lives,and saves our lives.In short life has been made quite easy,comfortable,pleasing and luxurious  and now it is not a bed of thorns as it used to be  in the past.

The word ''Disease '' in itself  was a terrible and monster in the past due to non availability of proper and suitable treatment.Now due to modern technology and advancement in science medical science helped us fight against the most deadly diseases.Now all type of diseases can easily be diagnosed and can be cured easily with the help of new machinery.In this way death rate has been decreased and lowered.Now the dead can be brought to life.Lungs can be replaced easily and heart can be operated upon as required.Surgery has worked incredible.Now heart transplantation is possible and very common now a days .Grafting can replace defective or ugly parts of body.Progress research in the field of agriculture has increased the production.Fertilizers play very important role in the increase of production and it never allow the soil to go barren.Swift and fast means of communication and transportation have made it easy to carry grain from one place to an other.

So we see that science has brought a great revolution. comfort and pleasure for mankind.It has reduced human misery .It is right to call it a friend of mankind

Science cause of sufferings:

The basic purpose of Science was originally to conquer and harness the forces of nature for the beneficent and good of man.It was thought to be the harbinger of all comfort,progress and prosperity.Now a days it is looked upon by some people as the major cause of our sufferings calamity.They have strong arguments and  reasons to conclude that all is not well with science and its application.The aim of pure science is a search for truth and reality  and as such no fault finding is possible with it.The position is however quite different in regard to the application of science in the various field of practical activity.Past history indicates that the application of science has not always been governed by the rules and principle of justice and equality.According to the Albert Einstein who once said ''Why does this magnificent  applied science which reduces work and makes life comfortable brings us to little happiness?The answer runs:Because we have not yet learnt to make sensible use of it.

The 19th century saw the the important invention of steam locomotive oil engines and other machines .As a result of this heavy industries of iron,coal and cloth came to be set up.Production of things increased rapidly on large scale and their quality and quantity also improved a great deal .It was asserted that physical labor was taken off the shoulders of man shifted to machines.But industrialism brought new problems and trouble .It dealt a death blow to cottage industry and and its horrible consequences and result was  in the form of  large scale unemployment.It brought into being the blind tyranny and monarchy  of capital over the labor.The rich gained much day by day and poor were exploited on daily basis.Strikes and lock outs became the bench mark of the day .Application of machinery to the service of man resulted in more trouble and evil than prosperity and good. Even today condition and situations are no better.There is discontentment and friction every where.With the passage of time inflation and prices are soaring high and buying power is gradually lowering.Eventually there is plenty of misery ,poverty,starvation in the modern world.Search for raw material and new markets becomes a source and cause of war.

In the same way the application of science in the social sphere also gave highly questionable consequences.The induction and introduction of machinery created a new tempo to man's daily routine life and activity.He became materialistic today ,moral and ethical values of life are considered to be the things of the past.The sanctity of joint family has been nearly abolished and violated every where even in villages.Art and literature has become under the deep effect and influence of mechanization.People have come to have approach to new medicines and better surgical aid,but in spite of all that has not developed and promoted a better standard of health..More food is grown but unfortunately all is stored.Poverty and hunger has developed  ignorance and disease still exist,while million of dollars are spent on travel to the moon to conquer the nature.Hurry and worry are engulfing and eating away the modern man.Corruption and adulteration both are the modern gifts of science.Life on the whole has become highly artificial and boring.

In the light of aforesaid discussion we come to conclusion that the science has done the greatest dis-service to mankind particularly in the field of gun power was hailed as a great achievement.But gradually and slowly  it was perfected in a hundred new weapons.Now a day artillery ,gun fire,shells and bombs have adopted the ugly shape of a hellish terror to every body.Atom bomb,hydrogen bomb,cobalt and nitrogen bomb and various other nuclear gases are very catastrophic and destructive power,intercontinental missile are weapon of devastation particularly in the event of war.Certainly the third world war is sure to wipe off towns,countries.and continents with in a minute or even in second.So modern man is more worried and terrified,more unpleasant and poorer as compare to his fellows in his past.Now life is monotonous and drudgery for him and it is all due to the wrong use of science and wrong application of its rules and regulations.


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