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How to remove scratches from phone screen? Easy way is here

How to remove scratches from phone screen?

                  solution is here !

As we already know very well that majority of the smart phone screens and touch screen display attract scads of different kind including dirt,dust,finger prints and others every day and consequently leave the screen with a grimy mess on daily routine basis.It is really a matter of great concern and anxiety for users.In spite of wiping down these touch screens and devices by using the edge of your shirt or smudging the devices and touch screens with even your finger-it will definitely help you to clean these devices display of your smart phone ,tablet,but there is need more meticulous methods are required for cleaning these devices with utmost care.In order to bring you familiar regarding these safety precaution now in this article i am going to put some very important and crucial outlines to clean touch screen display which will certainly help you to be meticulous and careful pertaining to these precious devices screen in future.

(1) Microfiber cloth plays an important role in cleaning touch screen display properly.Use of fiber cloth is the best as well as the easiest way to clean aforesaid devices.There is no risk of scratching by using microfiber clothes whereas if we use other material  like paper based towel then there is probability of scratching.On the other hand contrary to this ,microfiber clothes clean these devices very gently and softly even the sensitive glass on smart phone without creating any type of scratches.There is a basic quality in micro fiber cloth that it very strongly and deeply attracts and eliminate all type of oils and dust very easily as well as properly,however as regard other product they spread them around instead of cleaning them. 

(2) In order to clean your device or display screen first of all you must switch off your mobile it is mandatory and compulsory because in this way you will permit to observe the dirt and grim in a better way.In addition to this you can use water to clean touch screen then move the fiber cloth in both directions horizontal as well as vertical repeatedly.When you complete cleaning of one area then move to the next  dirty area where cleaning is required and start its cleaning properly,softly and gently until the said surface becomes neat and clean perfectly.

(3) Any area where cleaning required more than a micro fiber cloth as well as small elbow grease.You can use less amount of water to clean the dirty surface.Here first of all again switch off your mobile or smart phone and remove its respective battery as safety precaution now after this one corner of cloth dip into the water and when it becomes wet then remove it from water.Strictly abstain from using any type of soap while doing cleaning process as you know very well that soap can inflict harm to your smart phone as well as its battery.Next now clean the dirty area with similar process as previously mentioned in this article.After completion of this process ,now use dry part of cloth in order to eradicate the peculiar kind of moisture present over there due to wet clothes or water.Finally expose your smart phone in an open air to become dry and water free.

(4) It is also very necessary to keep microfiber cloth neat and clean even after the completion of cleaning process.In this way you can protect and save your display screen from rubbing the dust along with grim.In order to clean the cloth just soak this piece of cloth  in a  mixture of soap and hot water ,after removing it from mixture rinse it properly and carefully and make it air dry before going to use it gain for cleaning display screen.

(5) An other best and easy way to clean the smart phone screen display is the use of Scotch tape or any other type adhesive tape.This process is reasonable in emergency and when you need quick cleaning.Use of scotch tape can give you better result if used properly.First of all just stick the scotch tape or any other adhesive tape to the screen display surface carefully after a short while remove it gently just like when you peel off orange and with its removal also abolish the unwanted  dirt along with grime,after this again adopt the previous procedure which is the most significance in this regard
(6) In addition to the aforesaid procedures there are many liquid solution that are particularly prepared to clean and protect screen displays of smart phone,tablets and other screen display.Shark proof is the best instance in this regard ,as you can use it for your screen display easily.Basically is a type of liquid glass to use for smart phone screen display.There is an interesting feature of this solution is that when you apply this solution on said screen,it becomes hard and a little bit tough,consequently you can easily remove liquid as well as finger print without any difficulty.It is confirmed that this Shark proof is fundamentally scratch resistance along with it is also anti microbial too.It is guaranteed from respective company that shark proof will definitely protect device and display screen from all type of scratches and germs not for one or two month but for at least two years.More over it is very useful to use on finger print scanners along with iris scanner on the Samsung's famous model Galaxy S8. 

(7) There is no doubt that UV Light can play important role in cleaning devices.It has been proved from feed back of users that all alcohol based cleaners have adverse effect on your phones,even it can damage your phone.It is better to avoid use of alcohol based cleaners for smart phone display screen.Instead of this it is strongly recommended to use UV Lamp which has positive result in this regard.Use of jiffy is the best example where we can make our device neat and clean in jiffy which uses UV Light to clean the aforesaid touch screen display. 

(8) There are at least two UV-C lamps in the phone soap charger that generates a particular type of special wave length off light and this light further enters into the respective cell wall of both bacteria as well as viruses,which further consequently abolished them properly.Although basically it is a charger but along side you can clean your phone with the help of this.There is a little bit ambiguity regarding the function and performance of this charger,but it a better choice and better option for the gemaphobes.

(9) Some particular liquid product like Windex seem to be very attractive to use for cleaning display screen but you must try your best to avoid from these liquid type solvent or solution.It is because these are prone to damage and destroy the upper protective coating which are very commonly and frequently found on almost every phone and it really a potential threat which can destroy your phone quite easily.

(10) There are thousands of solvents and cleaners are available in market which can make your mobile neat and clean properly without making any damage to your smart phone.These are basically glorified form of alcohol as well as water.More over it is not desirable to cost $60 to $70 dollars on a conventional type smart phone screen cleaner when you can use simply water along with microfiber cloth.

(11) Always refrain from using paper towel other wise you will certainly damage your screen display as we already well familiar that there is a great risk of scratching the surface due to use of paper towel.These scratches can make your mobile defective and its touch screen will be non responsive.At the end i would like to suggest that micro fiber is merely a type of wipe which must be utilized in a correct and proper way. 


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