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Effects Of Social Media

Effects Of Social Media!

Social Media

There is no doubt that now a days ,the use of internet and on line social network,like face book,google,Linked in,Twitter users are facing prevalent and different type security and privacy risk and threat,in spite of availability of many software solutions  and techniques present in this era of I.T and technology,which can help and  assist users of social media in better protecting and defending themselves against aforesaid  threats.More over these  aforesaid solutions and techniques ,quite easy and simple to apply procedures can be implemented  by the common people and their families to enhance and  improve their security as well as privacy on Facebook and tweeter and all other social media. people and their families are bound  to secure and protect their secrets and important personal  information.Moreover they are utmost required to ensure the same for the their wards and families by focussing and  emphasizing in the need to be extra vigilant and cautious during use of online social network.In this regard below given counter measures are strongly recommended and must be implemented with true spirit and fervor.

(a) Strictly abstain from  sharing personal and confidential information unnecessary.It is better for users and their families to  review the information and  detail they have already revealed in their on line social network accounts like face book or twitter and should eliminate all such personal important  information that shows identity of their family and spouse  as well as parents.

(b)  In addition to this  there are many unknown online social group available on internet very commonly,those are directly or indirectly involve in abusive or negative activities which are used for undesirable and evil design and discussion as well as sharing information illegally.These abusive and evil groups are more vulnerable because of joining them is  quite easy as compared to joining a friend's list.More over ,profiling of all like minded people also decreases workload and wrong activities of  hackers.Common people in general and family person in particular  must be very careful and meticulous while joining such abusive groups.

(c) Never accept any friend request blindly from an unknown and strangers.Fake and unrealistic  profiles are quite frequent and common now a days and often it has extremely adverse effect and consequences.Therefor if any person obtains any friend request from a stranger or an unknown person must immediately ignore and reject such a request despite if you feel  tempted and inclined to accept that unknown request.Suppose the person is quite stranger and is considering  accepting the friend request,then must have  a careful short background check and observation on the new ''friend ''by putting and inserting the respective friend's profile image and pics to respective Google images search and send the friend's full particulars including  name and other necessary details to other respective  search engine so that you may validate and confirm the reliability and credibility of the individual.In order to identify and remove  strangers already  included as friends with the users ,it is particularly recommended that  users must scrutinize  and check their friend lists time to time and should abolish any stranger or unknown people from friend's list.Suppose if parents willing for better monitor and to make proper check and balance of their children's activity ,it is strongly recommended that they and their children should scan the friend's list together in order to eliminate and remove stranger  and unknown''friends''.If you gain a friend's request from some one stranger ,you do not know or identify contact or just e mail them directly without any delay, prior to  make the final decision to add and include them to your personal account or to your domain of trust.Put some questions like  how they come to know about you and check if they are legitimate or illegal .Keep in your mind this thing that it is not only your own privacy ,you are protecting but also that rest  of all your friends.

(d)  First of all always secure and protect your E mail account in all respect.Try your best to use a disposable Email address on internet for registering with any social networking sites like face book,twitter,Linked in etc  and strictly avoid using your actual name for the address.In order to avoid giving away e mail addresses of your friends ,never permit and allow social networking services to scan your e mail address book .When you join new social net work it is possible that ,you might obtain an offer to enter your e mail address and even pass word to find out if your any contact are already on network.It is possible that the site might use this information to send e mail messages to every one in order to confirm  your contact list or even every one you have sent an e mail using that e mail address.It is compulsory as well as obligatory that Social networking sites are bound to warn each individuals of this fact ,but some do not.follow this.

(e) .Always make familiar yourself with both the privacy settings as well as the security policy of any social and professional networking site you use.In case If you are not satisfied with them ,just stop using the site.Some of these settings and policies are changed with the passage of time  and updated automatically by operators of the site time to time  without the will and wish of the users.Therefor it is compulsory for every one to review these settings  on regular basis to make yourself aware of these changes.

(f) When you create your new profile or new account on internet ,it is better first to review review each piece of information and bio data that you share and ascertain if it is really essential or even relevant to that site.For instance do you need to share your cell number or telephone numbers while creating an e mail account?Definitely not.Be careful and meticulous and practical at this stage and never give any lose point to ant stranger and do not give your bio data and particulars unnecessary and always give priority to feed the dummy entries.  

(g)  At the time of  sharing any contents ,chat,mail,or giving  comments on other people's post or profiles never think your communication to be personal or private.In spite of , you have made full use of the privacy settings available to you,you have no sure and guaranty  that your contents and material would not be copied or pasted,downloaded,or otherwise shared more widely without making you inform and familiar  by that unknown friend.Suppose that any content you put on a social networking site is not temporary but may be permanent.Assume that if you can remove your account by any means ,any one on the internet can easily print photos,images or text or save images and videos to a computer.Be very selective,careful,and meticulous about up loading images videos ,status updates and messages,even among reliable and trusted friends.Once circulated on line images/videos can be shared widely,rapidly and even instantly and can be extremely difficult  or nearly impossible to block or remove because of its weak setting of one's friend.

(h)Majority of sites offer means to  reset your pass word very frequently  if you forget it .This is also one of the most common and dangerous ways to break into your account very easily .If you are asked to give answer to security question,just keep your eyes open whether the answer already secure.It means that you are the only person who can answer the question.If the possibility exist to generate your own questions,then in this situation use it,if you are obliged to answer more standard question such as first school,first pet ,remember the answer does not have to be the real and actual.It only has to be some basic thing you can inculcate.

(j) Never use same pass word for multiple other different sites.In case with different passwords ,if password of one site is compromised then there is no need to worried  about the others.Always generate very complicated and  complex password including upper and lower case letters, numbers ans special characters such as $,% *&etc.Make a proper  way to differentiate your passwords for each site you use,for instance putting the first and the last letters of the web site name at the beginning and end of your complex pass word.Just generate and create logic to inculcate your pass word.

(k) Always try your best to decrease  the  number of third party apps and services that you install  or permit to access your system particularly when using smart phones and tablets.Get proper knowledge how to eliminate or disallow them  and get rid of any that you no longer use .Never forget even on twitter once you allow and permit  a service to access your account ;that permission remains active unless you manually remove it and and it also persists by changing its pass word.

(l) Never click links present in messages or wall posts ,even if those are sent to you by friends without confirmation and checking from them whether they really sent it or not..Few seconds to check could of course save you from becoming victim  to phishing scam as well as worms,infecting your computer.On could also be doing  a help and  favor to your friend  by making them familiar them that their account is really compromised.

(m) Strictly avoid using the geo-tagging features and images of Facebook or popular photo sharing site like Twitter,Linked in,Google plus etc because they may give away your present availability and location to your opponents or people you do not want to know your location.When not in use ,when should disable GPS functions on camera along with  smart phones and also disable geo tagging when up loading photos on line.Serving personnel should check and confirmed that GPS function of their smart phones etc is disabled ,as it is probability that this may be used wrongly for tracking not only their own movement and location but also of their associates and other activities.
Social Media


Now at the end it is specially recommended that all user of social media must not only adopt and follow these recommendations but should also make familiar and  educate their families along with their wards pertaining to the adverse effects and threats which can fascinate and  attract them quite easily and can potentially end up in the form of disaster.All personnel should very strictly and carefully consider and review what personal information is being shown regarding themselves,their friends as well as their work place by their family members,while using online internet and social network.In addition to this  as parents we must educate and make familiar our children to be aware of potential threats and teach them  not to engage with any unknown and  strangers either in the real world or in the cyber world.If a users personal information unfortunately falls into wrong hands ,its consequences may be in the form of massive damage as well as in the shape of colossal loss and in many cases unluckily there is no way to retrieve or  recapture what has been lost.


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