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There is no specific definition of poverty because it is a multi dimensional type topic. It is a complicated,confounding,intricate and comprehensive term.The idea of poverty differs from country to country according the domestic situation and condition.Basically it is a physical matter.Those afflicted by poverty have insufficient daily utilities like foods, poor clothing and other necessities of life.Their homes are so crowded cold and dirty that life is pain full as well as comparatively brief having insufficient facilities of life.People are poverty stricken and financially hand to mouth  when their income ,even if adequate for survival fails markedly behind that of the community.Then they cannot posses  what the large community regards as the at least necessary  for an honorable and  decent living.They are degraded  and under estimated because they live out side the acceptable grade of society.According to the  Ambrose  Bierce,the famous writer who defined poverty in his style by saying that poverty is a file provided for  the teeth of rats of reform.In the contemporary world and present scenario it is both demand annoying along with  a disgrace today,the worth and value of a person are judged and measured in term of his financial status , condition and the wealth of his disposal.Money and financial status is the main motivating force and chief criterion,two factors ,in judging the ability and social status of a person.

The major causes of poverty are very intricate, complex and diversified depending upon the domestic condition and situations of that country along with their relation with other countries particularly neighboring countries.First of all poverty is caused because the country is basically poor.This is frequently  the case where the soil is sparse and without watered due to lack of water and irrigation project,the forests thin and the sub soil is barren.The country may be poor in case if it has been kept in state of colony.Secondly the population of a few is the direct cause of the poverty of the majority of the people.In every country all over  world the poor are pitted against the rich.Thirdly poverty also caused by the acute shortage of capital.Finance is the life blood of business because business cannot be run without finance .No business can be established without it.Evidently low income allows less out come or no saving.Without saving there is nothing to invest in.Investment is the fundamental key to make a business successful.Without investment there can be no economic progress and  advancement and consequently  poverty become constant and perpetuated.Fourthly an other crucial  reason behind  poverty is over population.The welcome effect caused by economic progress and  development are nullified due to the upsurge in the population.Lastly incompetent,wrong and faulty economic policies and careless planing of a country also invite in their wake poverty for the whole country.

Despite putting best efforts and much trumpeted progress and strong claims to prosperity,poverty still exist in the world.People are the denominators of progress.No progress is possible unless we root out poverty  and put the whole nation on the road of progress and prosperity For its eradication  and elimination certain specific  steps may be suggested.First we must be extremely meticulous in our economic policies and these policies should be made on the basis of ground reality and in the scenario of respective country.Ultimately these policies should be implemented with true spirit and religiously.They should be framed policies in a way that the masses may get the greatest benefits and advantages.Industrialization and agriculture must have an equal share because these two factors play a significant role in the elimination of poverty .Inflation must be in controlled The prices should be brought down.Secondly large part of the budget of a country is spent on defense due to contradiction and conflict with neighboring countries .We should prevail good and positive  relation in the world particularly with the neighboring countries and spend the money on the welfare of the people.Thirdly there should be some sort of checks and balance on the capitalists,and many facilities for the laborers.Lastly through family planing the growth of population should be kept under control. whole nation should be motivated to control population. 


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