Confusion About Sugar
There are several forms of sugar,like fructose in fruit and vegetables,lactose in milk and refined or pure sucrose extracted from sugar cane or beet.
Composition of sugar:
Sucrose-C12 H22 O11is composed of carbon hydrogen and oxygen and classified as a carbohydrate;carbon and water. The metabolism of all sugar supplies energy,measured as calories.
Role of sugar in our body:
According to world health organization (WHO)higher intake of sugar-added to foods by the
manufacturer.cook,or consumer,plus sugar naturally present in honey syrup,and fruit
juice.Drinks that are rich in free sugars increase over all energy intake by reducing appetite
control sucrose is not digested in the mouth or stomach but passed directly to the lower
intestine and thence to the blood stream and the brain.Unused calories are stored as
fat.Sugar unbalance the endocrine system,which includes the adrenal glands,pancreas and
liver causing the blood sugar level to fluctuate widely.
Adverse effect of sugar:
Following are a few diseases human being suffer due to sugar.
Obesity is one of the prominent cause of various diseases,.generally weight gain is considered obesity.According to the medical term and condition that high intake of energy dense foods combines with decrease physical activity -increase weight gain.Energy dense food tends to be high in fat,sugar,starch.Obesity is casual factor in many serious conditions that affect the entire human body.The fructose in this regard plays a significant role,because a component a table sugar,fructose in corn syrup enhance liver to store more and more fate which results in obesity and weight gain.To keep yourself healthy and smart then strictly avoid sugar added drinks.It is better for us that we should eat those diets in which sugar comes from natural sources instead of commercial means like fruit.
The basic cause of diabetes consists of two types as given below:
(1) When insulin produces cells in the pancreas it causes sugar.This regulates the blood sugar level.
(2) Second type commonly found in the people of old ages because at this stage their body normally do not respond properly to the respective insulin.Over weight people frequently effected by this type.It has been proved after research that diabetes increases 1.1% if the body gets extra 150 calories sugar.In order to keep healthy and free from sugar one should get rid of sweetened beverages,including soda,cold drink,soft drink.Much of hidden sugar found in the shape of ketch up,frozen,beef jerky etc.
(c)Heart disease:
Those foods to which free sugar added,displace from the diet fruit and vegetable which comprise of essential nutrients that are favorable for heart diseases.It is an irrefutable fact that heart disease and diabetes both are correlative with one an other.The biggest reason of death among the common people is heart disease including stroke abnormality and 65% of death ratio is due to diabetes.Keeping in view the sensitivity of sugar in take it strongly recommended by American Heart Association that every man should use maximum 36 gram and woman 20 gram and children 12 gram to keep save from this disease.
(d)Tooth decay:
Sugar plays most significant role in the destruction of teeth. due to bacteria in plaque around teeth.This bacteria metabolizes sugar rapidly consequently generating high acidity which erode tooth enamel.
(e) Blood Vessels
The growth of muscle cells around the blood vessel become rapid due to chronic high insulin levels.Due to this artery wall becomes tense which results in the form of high blood pressure,ultimately leads to severe heart attack.As we already know that in order to make grain flour wheat kernels are first pulverized in the form of dust and when we eat that wheat definitely amount of glucose increases just like as we take table sugar.Same case is with the use of white flour,corn syrup,wheat bread and sandwiches.Therefor we need exact amount of insulin so that the blood stream may be cleared of glucose accordingly.
(f) Cholesterol
Both sugar and cholesterol are integrated part of one an other.people having high level of cholesterol faced the high spike in their cholesterol and fate up to dangerous level.For safety precaution take break fast full of protein on daily basis.It is strongly recommended that daily break fast keep you safe and secure from aforesaid problems.
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